A young girl goes to visit her grandfather in Cuba. Her grandfather is a pregonero – a singing street vendor. The two of them sing on the streets the names of the fruit they are selling and attract people to come out and listen to their cheerful music. The story is told from the young girls perspective and she explains the other vendors on the street in this Cuban town. When she goes back home, she sends letters to her grandfather to ensure each other they are not that far apart after all.
Family, Traditions, Love/Loyalty
Personal Response
I really liked this story because the pictures and illustrations really helped to see what life in Cuba could be like for an average person. The tall buildings in the background with balconies helped to see what the towns look like and their structures. This story was a great way to show that even when a family member, or anyone, is far apart, we can still connect with them and love them. I also think this is a great story to include in a classroom because it includes some simple Spanish words.
Teaching Ideas
After reading this story, I would have students take on the role of being a singing street vendor. I would have them decide what food they would want to sell on the street in Cuba. Then I would have the students create a poem or song that includes descriptive words about what they are selling. I’d encourage students to share their poems/songs with the class to put on a performance. I’d also have students all sing their songs at the same time to see the struggles of competing on the streets.
Recommended Reading Level
Grade 01, Grade 02, Grade 03