This story focuses on a young girl whose 7th birthday party is coming up. Throughout the book they have a conversation about the daughter’s want to wear her mother’s precious sari for her birthday party. The daughter looks up to her Mom and desires to be just like her. This story illustrates the clear bond and desire of a young girl with her Mother. Just like in any culture, all young girls can relate to this with someone they look up to.
Culture, Dreams, Family, Love, Motherhood
Personal Response
This book to me was very moving and inspiring. Any young girl, even as a young adult, I can relate to this book. Everyone has someone they look up to. This book can connect with many because it a strong bond between a young girl and the women she loves most in this world, in this case, her Mother.
Teaching Ideas
As a teaching idea, I would focus on each child choosing someone they look up to and write about something that they would want to wear or do just like them for a special event. They can even draw pictures as well as write about it.
Recommended Reading Level
Grade 01, Grade 02, Grade 03