


In the story, My Papi Has a Motorcycle, a little girl named Daisy waits for her father to get home from work so they can take a motorcycle ride together. The motorcycle ride has become a bonding activity for Daisy and her father, as they ride through their community. While riding through their city, Daisy passes familiar places, such as the grocery store, their grandparent’s house, and her father’s work site. She notices how her city is constantly changing, but she still loves her city.


Change, Family Connection, Identity, Loss

Personal Response

While reading this book, I thought it was very touching and sweet. I like how the main character, Daisy, and her father had a special activity that they could do together.  Through working on the motorcycle and their motorcycle rides, they were able to make new memories and have something they can share in their relationship. I also enjoyed how we were able to see Daisy’s city changing through her perspective.  It allows the readers to feel and see what she is experiencing in her hometown.

Teaching Ideas

Some teaching ideas you can use when reading this book is have the students sequence the events of the story, complete a story map of the story or write about a connection that students have experienced similar to Daisy.  Another idea would be to have students create a town map of where they visit and write about where and why they travel there.  Another idea would be to have students write about what makes their community special. Students can write about how setting impacts the story.

Recommended Reading Level

Grade 02, Grade 03, Grade 04


