A boy travels through his L.A. neighborhood in search of Paletero José, a pushcart ice pop vendor. During his journey to find Paletero José, the boy runs into other friends in his community that are selling other goods. When he finds Paletero José, he goes to pay and realizes that he lost his money. His friends from the other vendors find him and tell him that he dropped his money. Paletero José has a better idea than paying and gives everyone ice pops for free because of the kindness shown.
Determination, Kindness, Community
Personal Response
I really enjoyed reading this book. This book has a great message of looking out for one another and being apart of a community. This book also shows what it is like to be a part of a community. Paletero Man includes Spanish vocabulary and phrases as well.
Teaching Ideas
The teacher will read this book to the class and then ask the class to discuss some times that they did something kind for someone. Students will then write and draw about their act of kindness.
Recommended Reading Level
Grade 01, Grade 02, Grade 03, Grade 04, Grade 05