Dayeon wants to be just like her grandma. Dayeon’s grandma is a haeneyo , which is a diver. Dayeon’s grandma helps Dayeon become a haeneyo by taking multiple different steps. These include Dayeon eating porridge, and practicing holding her breath. Grandma then helps Dayeon suit up for her first dive, but she is not so eager. Dayeon finds herself being scared, but grandma helps her through it.
Finding courage, creating bonds, facing your fears
Personal Response
I really enjoyed this book. It taught me about what a haeneyo is and gives us a touching story about a young girl (Dayeon) who wants to follow in her grandma’s footsteps. This is something any child can relate to because everyone dreams of becoming something and/or looks up to someone they know/know of.
Teaching Ideas
I would use this book to teach students the importance of learning about different cultures and professions that they have while incorporating SEL. To do this I would read the book aloud to the class then have a group discussion. From there I would have them brainstorm on paper jobs they may want to have in the future. Then, I could have them research a culture and find a similar profession. They would then list the steps it takes to have that job and how it fits into that particular culture.
Recommended Reading Level
Grade 01, Grade 02, Grade 03