During Yasmin’s stay with her grandmother, she makes her prayer clothes, buys her a prayer rug, and teaches her the five prayers that Muslims perform over the course of a day. When it’s time for Yasmin to board a plane and return home, her grandmother gives her a present. When Yasmin opens the present when she gets home, she discovers a prayer clock in the shape of a mosque, with an alarm that sounds like a muezzin calling the faithful to prayer.
Faith, Family
Personal Response
This book is a great window into the faith and practices of the Muslim religion and lifestyle. Through great pictures and words that paint a vivid picture, I can see firsthand what it means to be a practicing Muslim of faith. I related to this book in the sense that prayer and rituals can be so powerful when practiced correctly. Having a token or gift such as Yasmin receives from her grandmother can be a great reminder of the life changing experience you can receive from such practices.
Teaching Ideas
This is a great book to introduce other cultures, languages, and religion into the classroom. The students get to see what it is like to celebrate Muslim culture and understand the daily practices of their religion.
Recommended Reading Level
Grade 01, Grade 02, Grade 03, Grade 04, Grade 05